
PlanCheck helps you evaluate your building plans and identify your exposure to budget blowouts.

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What is PlanCheck?

PlanCheck is a free, 13 point online checklist that helps you to identify some of the areas where you require additional critical information for builders to accurately quote your project. Without this information your risk of experiencing cost variations and budget blowouts can be very high.

Having insufficient information can have major ramifications on your timeframe and budget including:

  • high likelihood of receiving quotes that are inconsistent; resulting in confusion and time consuming reconciling
  • inaccurate quoting; leading to the potential for unrealistic quotes
  • potential for extras and cost variations to be added to the cost throughout the build
  • potential of required elements of the project to be missed entirely; again resulting in additional costs and greater exposure to paying higher builders margins for variations (up to 20% extra)
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How does it work?

Upload your plans to PlanCheck and our building experts will run a full assessment to identify missing items or information and determine your risk exposure to budget blowouts.
You’ll be sent a report with a step by step guide identifying where your documentation could be improved and how much money you could potentially save.

Product Features

Identify budget blowout risks

Our 13 point checklist covers some of the key areas in your project and will help you identify any information that is missing or needs further detail. This means less chance of items being omitted from your quote and blowing your budget later on

Expert advice from industry professionals

Developed by building professionals, PlanCheck highlights the information you need to obtain comprehensive and accurate quotes

Take control of your project

PlanCheck makes sure that you are informed and prepared early on in your project – putting you in control right from the start

Peace of mind

No more worrying about things not being included in your quote and being an expensive surprise later on. You’ll have the tools and information to help keep your project on budget and on time.